Tech Education

EdTech Evolution: Ranking 9 Developments in Tech Education

The way we teach and learn has changed a lot in recent years. Technology has become key in making these changes. Now, we use digital learning in many ways, which has many benefits. Schools and universities are now using the latest tech to improve how we teach and learn.

More than half of Learning Management Systems (LMS) will soon use AI1. Also, 86% of teachers think A.I. should be a big part of the classroom1.

The edtech industry is growing fast, expected to be worth $348.41 billion by 20302. This growth will lead to many new jobs, like developers and cybersecurity analysts2. We’ll see a 35% increase in using AR and VR for learning3. Also, blockchain technology will be used more for keeping student records safe3.

This article will look at nine big changes in tech education. These changes, like digital learning and AI, are making learning better, more fun, and easier to get into.

Key Takeaways

  • Technology is changing education, making learning self-paced and more interactive.
  • The edtech industry will be worth $348.41 billion by 2030, creating lots of new jobs.
  • Soon, over half of Learning Management Systems will use AI.
  • AR and VR learning will grow by 35%.
  • Using blockchain for student records will increase by 78%.

The Rise of Digital Learning Platforms

The way we learn has changed a lot with digital learning platforms. These new tools let people learn from anywhere, no matter where they live or their family’s money situation. Now, 90% of companies offer some kind of digital learning4. This shows that online learning is now a key way to grow skills and learn new things.

The eLearning market is set to hit $350 billion by 202545. This shows how big and growing this field is. It’s getting a lot of money, like Udemy’s $50 million funding5.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

MOOCs have changed how we get educational content. Sites like Coursera, edX, and Udemy offer courses from top schools like Stanford and Harvard5. MOOCs are popular, with 220 million students learning online by 20216. Coursera added 20 million new users in 2021 alone, a big jump6.

Even though many start MOOCs, only about 20% finish them before the pandemic6. But, online courses are still drawing in students worldwide because they’re flexible, cheap, and improve learning5.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

LMS systems are key in schools now, helping manage and deliver course materials. They make it easy for teachers and students to talk, give access to materials, and track progress. LMS was crucial when schools went online during the pandemic, with tools like Zoom helping out6.

Adaptive Learning Platforms

Adaptive learning uses AI and machine learning to make learning personal for each student. It changes content based on what each student needs and learns at their own speed5. This can make learning better and more engaging by giving instant feedback and adjusting to the student’s pace5.

As digital learning grows, we’ll see more use of VR/AR technology5. VR headsets are still expensive, so they’re not for everyone at home6. But, schools are using them more and more6. The ongoing interest in online learning suggests it will keep growing, maybe even replace traditional schools5.

Gamification in Education

Gamification is changing how students learn and interact with school content. It uses game elements like leaderboards and rewards to make learning fun. The market for education gamification was worth USD 697.26 million in 2020 and could hit USD 4144.97 million by 20277.

Educational game on a tablet

Games make learning more engaging and competitive7. Platforms like Quizizz see students trying harder when they get questions wrong8. This keeps students interested and pushes them to do their best.

Games also help students focus and think better7. By making learning fun, students stay on task longer. This means they remember more and understand complex ideas better.

“Gamification is not about turning everything into a game. It’s about using game mechanics to engage people and motivate them to achieve their goals.” – Kevin Werbach, Professor at the University of Pennsylvania

Using AI and VR with gamification could grow the edtech industry7. EdTech companies can create interactive learning experiences. For example, Boddle, a math game, has 4 million students playing and solving 40 to 42 questions an hour8.

Gamification isn’t just for math and science. Platforms like Classcraft use games to help students behave and work together9. This approach makes learning positive and helps students develop important life skills.

Gamification will be key in shaping education’s future. It motivates students with rewards and immersive experiences. Game-based learning is becoming essential in education, helping students reach their full potential in a changing world.

Artificial Intelligence and Personalized Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed education, making learning fit each student’s needs and likes10. AI helps with tutoring and learning paths, making learning better for students.

AI-powered Tutoring Systems

AI helps with tutoring by giving students one-on-one help and adjusting lessons as they go10. It looks at student data to pick the best learning materials for them10. AI also creates chatbots that talk with students, giving them help and feedback right away10.

Duolingo uses AI to help students learn new languages quickly, making it feel like real conversations11. Speechify helps students with dyslexia by turning text into speech, making learning easier for them11.

Personalized Learning Paths

AI makes learning paths for students based on what they want to achieve and what they already know10. This way, students get lessons that really fit their needs, making learning better for them10. Khan Academy uses algorithms to change lessons based on how students do, showing how AI helps personalize learning11.

AI could really change how we learn, with the market growing fast from 2022 to 202312. Students using AI in learning scored 62% higher on tests, showing how well it works12.

Predictive Analytics in Education

Predictive analytics uses AI to look at student data and understand how students are doing, helping teachers make learning personal10. AI finds patterns that help teachers help students who might be falling behind early on12.

Gradescope uses AI to grade work quickly and give students feedback, especially helping those who find learning hard11. AI chatbots give students advice with 91% accuracy, showing how AI can change education12.

AI Application Benefits
Intelligent Tutoring Systems Offer individualized guidance and support, adapting learning material based on student progress
Personalized Learning Paths Generate individualized learning paths based on students’ goals, interests, and prior knowledge
Predictive Analytics Enable educators to analyze student data, identify at-risk students, and provide targeted support

But, we need to think about the ethical side of using AI in education, like protecting student data and making sure it’s fair for everyone12. We also need to make sure all students can use AI tools, not just those with the right tech12. Training teachers, making lessons fit each student, and using tech for admin tasks can make AI in education work well11.

Virtual and Augmented Reality in the Classroom

VR and AR are changing how we learn by making it more engaging and fun. By 2025, education will be the 4th biggest area for VR investment13. These technologies are becoming more popular in schools13.

Virtual Reality in Education

Immersive Learning Experiences

VR and AR make learning more interactive and help students understand better. They improve skills like leadership and teamwork13. Students get more involved when they can touch and experiment with objects14.

These tools help students learn faster and remember more. They make learning fun and engaging14. VR and AR are great for students with disabilities, making learning easier for everyone14.

They help students with physical challenges by removing barriers. Students with dyslexia, dyspraxia, and ADHD also benefit from these technologies13.

VR Field Trips and Simulations

Virtual field trips let students explore places they can’t visit in person. They can see the Seven Wonders and the Moon without leaving class13. These experiences make hard-to-understand topics clearer and more memorable.

VR simulations are great for safe practice, especially for students who get anxious easily14. They can learn about anatomy without the need for real specimens13.

AR makes math fun for kids by adding movement13. It also helps with languages, making learning easier for everyone13. AR and VR make learning languages easier for students15.

But, there are challenges like high costs and the risk of cybersickness14. Educators can start slow and keep an eye on students to make sure they’re comfortable14.

Combining VR and AR with traditional teaching is a game-changer13. Most teachers think students would love VR in class13. With 70% wanting more VR and AR in education, these technologies are here to stay15.

Collaborative Online Learning Tools

In today’s digital age, learning together online is key. It helps students work as a team, talk better, and solve problems. Online tools change how students work on projects together, making it easy to work in real time from anywhere.

These tools have made virtual classrooms and video calls common. Students can now talk, share ideas, and learn from each other easily. This has made learning more fun and interactive.

Peergrade is one tool that lets students give each other feedback on assignments16. Quizlet lets students make and share flashcards with friends for studying together16. Yo!Teach has a chat room for talking in real time, polls, and voting to keep students involved16. Flipgrid is a place for students to share videos with the class16.

Parlay helps students talk and write about topics together16. Mural and Miro are for making diagrams and solving problems with others16. Wakelet is for teachers to share lesson plans and projects with students16. Loop is for asking and answering questions with students and teachers after class16.

Many of these tools don’t cost much or are even free. Pear Deck and Seesaw offer free and paid options17. Kahoot is free for teachers17. Book Creator lets you make up to 40 books for free1817. Teachers can make up to 5 lessons with a free InsertLearning account17. H5P and Udutu are completely free18.

Tool Key Features Pricing
Pear Deck Interactive presentations, formative assessments Free (Basic), $150/year (Individual Premium)1817
Kahoot! Game-based learning, quizzes, surveys Free (basic), €3/month (pro), €6/month (premium), €9/month (premium+)1817
Figma Collaborative interface design, prototyping Free (Starter), $12/month (Professional), $45/month (Organization), $75/month (Enterprise)18

Using social media in schools helps students work together better. These tools make learning fun and prepare students for working together in the future. As technology gets better, these tools will keep changing education.

Collaborative learning is not a method or an end in itself, but rather a means to an end – a tool to reach more rigorous and more complex learning outcomes.

In conclusion, online learning tools have changed education. They help students work together, talk, and solve problems. With many free and affordable options, teachers can make learning fun and prepare students for the future.

Mobile Learning and Educational Apps

Mobile learning, or mLearning, has changed how we learn, letting students get learning materials anytime, anywhere. With smartphones and tablets everywhere, 72% of students say educational apps help them learn better and faster19. Teachers also see its value, with 89% thinking these apps can boost students’ grades19. The market for mobile learning is set to hit $37.60 billion by 202020, showing how big it’s getting.

Students love the freedom to learn at their own pace with mobile learning. They can check course materials, do homework, and talk with others on the go. A Pearson study found 67% of students think mobile apps make studying more efficient20. Also, 65% feel more motivated to learn with apps than traditional ways19. Games in 78% of these apps make learning fun and interactive19.

Smartphone-based Learning

Now, students use their phones for learning a lot, accessing all sorts of educational tools. A study in the Journal of Applied Educational Technology shows mobile apps make students more engaged and motivated20. Plus, 57% like learning with others through apps for better understanding19. Teachers also see the perks, with 92% believing apps improve classroom learning20.

More teachers are adding mobile learning to their lessons, with 91% supporting a mix of old and new teaching methods19. This mix helps reach different learning styles and needs. In fact, 68% of students use various apps for different subjects and needs19.

Educational App Marketplaces

App stores for learning have become key places for finding lots of learning apps. These stores have apps for all kinds of subjects and ways of learning. They offer everything from adaptive learning to language skills and study help21. There are also apps for testing, AR and VR, and games to make learning fun21.

The tech for education has grown fast, with the market hitting over $6.48 billion in 202121. It’s expected to keep growing, reaching $10.8 billion by 2027 at a rate of 8.9% a year21. Schools and educational groups around the world are driving this growth by adopting these apps21.

Mobile learning can bridge the gap between school and real life, giving students real-world learning experiences.

As mobile learning grows, we must think about security, privacy, user experience, and flexibility in making educational apps21. Adding interactive stuff, videos, and games can make learning better and more fun21. Looking into AI, VR, and IoT, and focusing on bite-sized learning, will shape the future of EdTech apps21.

Mobile learning has many benefits, but we need to balance screen time with other activities for the best learning. 76% of students and teachers say finding this balance is key19. By using mobile learning and apps wisely, teachers can give students engaging, personalized, and effective learning that prepares them for today’s digital world.

Tech Education for Coding and Programming

The need for tech education, especially in coding and programming, has grown a lot in recent years. As technology changes, we need more skilled people in web development, app development, and computer science. To meet this need, new ways of learning have come up, changing how we learn coding and start tech careers.

Online Coding Bootcamps

Online Coding Bootcamps

Online coding bootcamps are now very popular for those wanting to learn programming quickly. These programs are short and intense, giving students the skills and experience they need for the tech world. Tech Elevator has helped over 3,500 students, who then saw their earnings go up by about $24,00022. These students also expect to earn around $1.6 million more over their lifetime thanks to the training22.

Turing is another great example. It’s a coding bootcamp that has a strong track record. Over 90% of its graduates work in tech, and they have a big network of over 2,000 people. Turing graduates start with a salary of $80,000, showing how much employers value their skills23.

Interactive Programming Tutorials

Interactive programming tutorials and platforms are also big for learning on your own. Sites like Codecademy and freeCodeCamp offer lots of coding challenges and projects. These platforms help learners get better at programming at their own pace. They also have a community that helps with sharing knowledge and working together.

Code Labs in Missouri is a great example of interactive programming education. They offer many courses, from the basics to advanced topics like AI and data science24. Their program covers important tech skills, preparing students for real jobs24. Code Labs works with employers and has projects that make learning more relevant to the job world24.

Institution Program Highlights Graduate Outcomes
Tech Elevator 14-week intensive bootcamp $24,000 average salary increase22
Turing Accredited, employer-focused curriculum 90% employment rate, $80,000 median starting salary23
Code Labs Diverse courses, hands-on projects Career services, paid work experiences24

The demand for coding and programming skills is still growing. Online bootcamps and tutorials are key for those wanting to improve their skills or start a tech career. These new ways of learning are making tech education more accessible and relevant, helping learners succeed in the digital world.

Learning Analytics and Data-Driven Insights

The way we teach is changing thanks to learning analytics and data insights. Now, teachers can see how students are doing, how engaged they are, and what they learn best. This new way of looking at data helps teachers make better choices and tailor learning to each student.

Learning Analytics Dashboard

Student Performance Tracking

Learning analytics are great for tracking how students do. They look at how students interact with the course, their grades, and how much they engage with the material25. This helps teachers see where students need help or where the course could be better.

Teachers can see what students are good at and where they struggle25. They can also see how students interact with the course, like how long they spend on tasks and what resources they use25. This info helps teachers track student progress and find students who need extra help26.

Predictive analytics can also predict how students will do in the future based on their past work26. By using lots of data and giving feedback, teachers can make learning fit each student’s needs better27. This means students can learn more effectively and succeed more often.

Analytics also show how engaged students are. They track things like how often students log in and how much time they spend on course materials26. This helps teachers see if students are really getting into the material and adjust their teaching to keep students interested26.

Data Visualization Tools for Educators

Data visualization tools are key for making complex data easy to understand. They turn hard data into charts, graphs, and dashboards. This makes it easier for teachers to see trends and patterns in the data25.

These tools help teachers share important insights with others, like school leaders, parents, and students2726. By working with others and keeping data safe, teachers can use data to make better decisions and support school goals2726.

Data Source Insights Gained Actions Taken
Assessment Results Identify strengths and weaknesses Provide targeted support
Engagement Metrics Determine engagement levels Optimize course design
Learner Feedback Understand learner perspectives Improve teaching methods
Predictive Analytics Forecast future performance Provide early interventions

Using learning analytics, teachers can make eLearning better and help students do better25. New trends like predictive analytics and personalized learning are changing how we teach and learn25. As learning analytics grow, data will be key in shaping education’s future.

Blockchain Technology in Education

Blockchain technology is changing the way we handle education records, credentials, and certificates. It makes them secure, transparent, and easy to manage. This technology helps schools keep a permanent record of student achievements. It makes checking these records easy and cuts down on fraud risks28.

Many companies are now using blockchain to manage certificates and identities in schools. This makes checking student credentials easier28. BitDegree, started in 2017, offers courses on cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Blockcerts, also from 2016, helps create and verify blockchain certificates29.

Blockchain rewards students with cryptocurrencies for their achievements. This encourages them to learn more. APPII uses blockchain and AI to check if degrees are real28. Parchment has been around since 2003, helping students and schools with digital credentials29.

The Education Blockchain Initiative (EBI) started in February 2020. It aims to help people use blockchain for better job chances and social mobility30.

The Blockchain Innovation Challenge (BIC) gave out $900,000 to winners over two rounds30. Winners of Phase 1 got $150,000 to work on a project. Phase 2 winners got another $75,000 to improve their projects30.

Sony Global Education teamed up with IBM in 2015 to create a blockchain for student records. Disciplina uses blockchain for a single register of student achievements. ODEM, started in 2017, connects students, teachers, and professionals through blockchain29.

Company/Initiative Year Founded Focus Area
BitDegree 2017 Online courses on cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and coding
Blockcerts 2016 Open standard platform for blockchain-backed certificates
APPII 2016 Credential verification using blockchain and AI
Parchment 2003 Digital credential services for students and institutions
Sony Global Education & IBM 2015 Blockchain platform for irrefutable student records
Disciplina 2016 Unified register of academic achievement on blockchain
ODEM 2017 Decentralized marketplace connecting educators and students

The Blockchain Education Network (BEN) started in 2014 and has over 6,000 members. It’s a global group exploring blockchain and cryptocurrencies29. As we need more trust and transparency in education, blockchain is set to change how we keep records and verify credentials. It can also save money by making student records easy to share28.


EdTech has changed how we learn, giving us easy access to knowledge and skills. As technology gets better, we see that the future of learning is with these new tools. In 2018, most students saw technology as key to doing well in school31. They all had basic tech needed for school.

Technology’s role in school is big, shown by better science scores for grade 12 students. This was true when teachers were active in science, used computers for data, and students had internet at home32.

Adding tech to classrooms has taken time. By 1999, half of public school teachers used computers and the Internet in class33. Now, with more teacher training and better school tech, we can offer personalized learning and new teaching ways. Schools should work on making blended learning available and helping students choose their learning paths31. Technology also helps students who find learning hard, ESL students, and those from different cultures32.

In the future, having digital skills will be crucial for jobs. Employers want workers who can reason, communicate, make decisions, and learn well. These skills come from using technology in school32. By using EdTech and encouraging innovation, we can help all learners get the skills they need for success. Technology in education does more than just improve grades. It also helps overcome obstacles and opens new doors for growth.


What are some of the key developments in EdTech that are transforming education?

EdTech is seeing big changes with digital learning platforms, gamification, and AI. Virtual and augmented reality, along with online learning tools, are also big. Mobile learning, coding education, learning analytics, and blockchain technology are making waves too.

How have digital learning platforms revolutionized education?

Digital learning platforms like MOOCs, LMS, and adaptive learning have changed education. They make learning accessible, efficient, and tailored to each student. These platforms offer a wide range of courses and help manage content well.

What is gamification in education, and how does it benefit learners?

Gamification adds game elements to learning, like leaderboards and rewards. It makes learning fun and engaging. This approach boosts motivation and creates a lively classroom atmosphere.

How is artificial intelligence (AI) transforming personalized learning?

AI is making learning personal through tutoring systems and learning paths. It adapts to students’ needs and recommends content. AI helps spot students who might need extra help early on.

What role do virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) play in the classroom?

VR and AR bring learning to life with immersive experiences. Students can explore virtual worlds and interact with 3D objects. These tools make complex topics clearer and offer virtual field trips, boosting engagement and understanding.

How do collaborative online learning tools foster teamwork and communication skills?

Tools like virtual classrooms and video conferencing help students work together on projects. They share ideas and discuss topics from anywhere. These tools promote teamwork and prepare students for today’s collaborative work environments.

What is mobile learning, and how does it offer flexibility in education?

Mobile learning, or mLearning, uses smartphones and tablets for education. It lets students learn anytime, anywhere, at their pace. This approach adds flexibility and convenience to learning.

How is tech education addressing the demand for coding and programming skills?

Tech education is meeting the need for coding skills with online bootcamps and tutorials. These programs offer hands-on training in web and app development. They prepare students for the digital job market.

What role do learning analytics and data-driven insights play in education?

Learning analytics and data insights help track student progress and pinpoint areas for improvement. They guide educators in tailoring teaching to individual students’ needs. This approach makes learning more effective.

How is blockchain technology being applied in the education sector?

Blockchain is used in education for secure and transparent record-keeping. It ensures student achievements are safe and verifiable. This technology lets learners control their educational data securely.

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