medias view on aging

Ageism in Media: Changing the Narrative on Aging

As society continues to evolve, it is crucial that we critically examine the way aging is portrayed in the media. The media’s view on aging has a significant impact on how older adults are perceived and treated by society. Unfortunately, it is evident that ageism in the media is still prevalent today.

A survey conducted among adults aged 50 and older revealed that a staggering 83% feel that the media stereotypes older people. This perception is supported by research, which found that negative descriptions of older adults outnumber positive ones by six times.

Furthermore, the ongoing pandemic has contributed to the portrayal of older adults as helpless and frail, reinforcing ageist stereotypes. While there have been some improvements in recent years, it is clear that there is still a long way to go in combatting ageism in the media.

Key Takeaways:

  • The media’s portrayal of aging often perpetuates negative stereotypes and stereotypes of older adults.
  • Research shows that older adults are often negatively depicted in media content.
  • The ongoing pandemic has led to an increase in ageist portrayals of older adults.
  • Efforts are being made to challenge ageist beliefs and create a more inclusive media landscape.
  • Changing the narrative on aging is crucial to promote a positive view of older age in society.

Ageism in Journalism

Although there have been improvements in the way journalists talk about and portray older adults, ageist tropes still persist in media representation of aging. Phrases like “silver tsunami” can reinforce negative stereotypes about older adults. Many style guides now discourage the use of terms like “elderly” and “senior citizens,” opting instead for more respectful and specific language. Organizations like the National Center to Reframe Aging offer guidance on age-inclusive communication. However, political reporting remains highly ageist, often using derogatory terms to describe older elected officials.

It is important for journalists to be mindful of the impact their words have on shaping public perception of aging. By using age-inclusive language and avoiding stereotypes, journalists can contribute to a more accurate and respectful portrayal of older adults in the media. The media has a powerful role in shaping societal views, and it is crucial to challenge ageist biases and promote age diversity in journalism.

Journalism has a responsibility to accurately reflect the experiences and contributions of older adults. By challenging ageist tropes and stereotypes, journalists can help combat ageism in the media and promote a more inclusive and respectful society.

Table: Examples of Ageist Language and Age-Inclusive Alternatives

Ageist Language Age-Inclusive Language
Elderly Older adults, seniors
Senior citizens Older adults, older citizens
Frail Vulnerable, physically challenged
Silver tsunami Rise in the older population
Old fogey Experienced, seasoned

By using age-inclusive language, journalists can play a crucial role in challenging ageist narratives and fostering a more inclusive and respectful depiction of older adults in the media. It is essential to promote age diversity and challenge ageism to create a more accurate and nuanced understanding of aging in society.

Ageism in Photographic Images and AI

When it comes to the portrayal of older adults in the media, photographic images play a significant role in influencing perceptions of aging. Unfortunately, these images often perpetuate ageist stereotypes, depicting older women as forlorn or frail. This biased representation can have a negative impact on how society views and values older adults.

Furthermore, AI-generated images also tend to reinforce these stereotypes. Older men are often depicted as rugged and active, while older women are digitally manipulated to appear younger and wrinkle-free. This unrealistic portrayal not only distorts the reality of aging but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes that can lead to age discrimination.

“The media has a tendency to present older women in a negative light, perpetuating stereotypes that are not representative of their diversity and vitality.” – Dr. Karen Anderson, Gerontology Researcher

However, there have been efforts to challenge these stereotypes and promote a more age-positive representation of older adults. Anti-ageism stock image collections and age-positive image libraries have been created to provide a more diverse and realistic depiction of older adults in media. These initiatives aim to challenge negative stereotypes and showcase the diversity and dynamism of aging.

Media Influence on Perceptions of Aging Portrayal of Older Adults in Media
Photographic images often perpetuate ageist stereotypes Depict older women as forlorn or frail
AI-generated images reinforce stereotypes Depict older men as rugged and women as younger and wrinkle-free
Efforts to combat ageism in media Creation of anti-ageism stock image collections and age-positive image libraries

By challenging ageist portrayals of older adults in photographic images and AI-generated content, we can foster a more inclusive and accurate representation of aging in the media. It is essential for the media to recognize its influence in shaping perceptions and to actively work towards dismantling ageist stereotypes.

Ageism in Movies and TV

Ageism in movies and television is a recurring issue, with both positive and negative portrayals of older adults. While some TV shows like “Grace and Frankie” and films like “80 for Brady” present older characters in a positive light, there is still a tendency to diminish and sideline older women in particular. Studies have revealed that older characters are underrepresented in top-grossing films, and when they are depicted, they often conform to senile or frumpy stereotypes.

Despite these challenges, there are efforts to highlight non-stereotypical depictions of aging in the media. Several film festivals, for example, specialize in showcasing movies about aging, aiming to challenge ageist beliefs and provide more realistic narratives. These initiatives serve as platforms for older adults to share their stories, demonstrating the diversity and dynamism of aging experiences.

Table: Comparison of Aging Portrayals in Movies and TV

Criterion Positive Portrayals Negative Portrayals
Representation Shows like “Grace and Frankie” present older characters as vibrant and independent. Older characters are often depicted as senile or frumpy.
Underrepresentation Few older characters are featured in top-grossing films. When older characters are present, their roles are often limited.
Diversity Efforts are being made to challenge ageist beliefs and showcase the diversity of aging experiences. Older women are often marginalized and diminished.

By highlighting the need for more inclusive and realistic depictions of older adults in movies and TV, we can work towards creating a media landscape that challenges ageist stereotypes and presents a more accurate representation of aging.

aging stereotypes in media

The Impact of Ageism on Women

Ageism in the media disproportionately affects women, perpetuating harmful stereotypes that devalue their contributions and limit their worth. Speakers at the symposium emphasized the importance of challenging societal norms that prioritize youth and marginalize older women. By promoting diverse and realistic portrayals of aging, media can play a crucial role in challenging ageism and empowering older women.

“Societal value and erotic appeal are often linked to youth, neglecting the rich experiences and wisdom that come with age. It’s time for the media to embrace more inclusive narratives that celebrate the resilience and strength of older women.”
– Symposium Speaker

The Media’s Influence on Views of Aging

The media has a powerful impact on public perceptions of aging, shaping how individuals view and interact with older adults. Research has shown that negative portrayals of aging in the media can lead to ageist attitudes and discrimination. By promoting age-inclusive storytelling and challenging ageist narratives, the media can help combat ageism and foster a more inclusive and positive view of aging in society.

Positive Impact Negative Impact
Portrayal of Aging in Media Challenges stereotypes and promotes age-inclusive narratives Reinforces ageist beliefs and perpetuates harmful stereotypes
Media’s Role in Shaping Perceptions Fosters understanding and appreciation for older adults Contributes to ageist attitudes and discrimination

New Visions for Aging in the Media

Efforts to combat ageism in the media are gaining momentum, with organizations at the forefront of this movement. Changing the Narrative is one such organization dedicated to ending ageism and promoting age-inclusive policies. Through evidence-based strategies, they work to challenge stereotypes and create a more accurate portrayal of older adults in the media. Their efforts are driving a shift in the narrative on aging, aiming to highlight the diversity and vitality of older age.

Hollywood, Health & Society is another organization making strides in combatting ageism in the media. They provide guidance to TV and film productions, ensuring accurate and respectful portrayals of aging and medical issues. By working closely with industry professionals, they are able to shape the media landscape and challenge ageist beliefs.

“Changing the Narrative uses evidence-based strategies to end ageism and advocates for age-inclusive policies.”

There is also a growing trend towards showcasing older women in non-stereotypical ways in movies, TV shows, and podcasts. This shift in representation aims to challenge traditional ageist beliefs and present a more realistic and inclusive view of aging. By featuring older women as dynamic, strong, and multifaceted characters, these media productions are playing a crucial role in changing the narrative on aging.

While progress is being made, there is still work to be done. It is important for individuals and communities to continue advocating for age-inclusive media and supporting initiatives that challenge ageism. By changing the narrative on aging in the media, we can foster a society that values and respects older adults, promoting greater understanding and intergenerational harmony.


The media’s view on aging has a significant impact on how older adults are perceived in society. Unfortunately, ageism is still prevalent in various forms of media, including journalism, photographic images, movies, and TV shows. These portrayals often reinforce negative stereotypes and fail to capture the diversity and vibrancy of older age.

However, there are encouraging efforts being made to challenge ageism and change the narrative on aging. Organizations like Changing the Narrative and Hollywood, Health & Society are working to combat ageist beliefs and promote age-inclusive media. They advocate for realistic and diverse portrayals of older adults, aiming to shift societal perceptions of aging.

It is crucial to continue advocating for age-inclusive media and to push for more accurate and respectful representations of older adults. By doing so, we can challenge ageist beliefs and create a more inclusive media landscape that celebrates the experiences and contributions of older individuals. Changing the narrative on aging is a collective effort that can lead to a more positive view of older age in society.


Is ageism prevalent in journalism?

Yes, ageism is still prevalent in journalism, with negative stereotypes outnumbering positive ones in media representations of older adults.

How are older adults portrayed in photographic images?

Photographic images often perpetuate ageist stereotypes, showing older women as frail and forlorn. AI-generated images also tend to depict older men as rugged and women as younger and wrinkle-free.

What is the portrayal of older adults like in movies and TV?

While there have been some positive portrayals of older adults, older women are often diminished and sidelined. Older characters are also underrepresented in top-grossing films, and when they are portrayed, they are often portrayed as senile or frumpy.

How does the media shape perceptions of aging?

The media plays a significant role in shaping perceptions of aging, with ageism in media leading to financial disparities and reduced social support for older adults.

What efforts are being made to combat ageism in the media?

Organizations like Changing the Narrative and Hollywood, Health & Society are working to combat ageism in the media. They advocate for age-inclusive policies, provide guidance to TV and film productions, and promote non-stereotypical depictions of aging.

What is the impact of ageism in the media?

Ageism in the media can have real-world consequences, such as financial disparities and reduced social support for older adults.

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